Sodium Thiosulphate

Sodium Thiosulphate drop

Indication: To remove smell of chlorine from drinking water liherated from sodium hypochlorite (halazone) drop .

Use: Add 8 drops of sodium thiosulphate solution along with 8 drops of sodinm hypochlorite solution in one litre of tap water, or add 16 drops of sodium thiosulphate solution along with 16 drops of sodium hypochlorite solution in one liter of river/pond water and use half to 1 hour after preparation.

Market name: Thiodrop ( Sonear)

Sodium thiosulphate tablet.
It available in 7.5mg & 15 mg tablet.

Indication: To remove smell of Chlorine from drinking water liherated from Halazone tablet.

Use: Dissolve 7.5 mg tab. along with 7.5 mg Halazone tab. in 1.5  Iitres & I5 mg tab. along with I5 mg Halazone tab. in 3 litres of drinking water respectively & use half to 1 hour after preparation. 

Market name: Thiotab (Sonear)